5 Ways to Support Local Students

by FCS on

It’s Back to School time in Atlanta! We believe strong education is vital for a flourishing community, and we want to support our local schools and students any way we can. In our target neighborhood of Historic South Atlanta, our Civic League has been a leading example of cheering on staff and students in our neighborhood high school.

Here’s a couple initiatives our South Atlanta Civic League has tried, as well as other ideas to help you brainstorm ways to support local students and families in your schools.

#1 - First Day Welcome Team

Maybe you saw the video from this school circulating on Facebook last year. Coming out and physically welcoming students to school can be a powerful way to kick off the school year.

In our community, the Civic League is organizing folks to stand near school entrances to offer a cheerful good morning (and maybe a doughnut) to students on their first day. We want to cheer them on!

#2 - Neighborhood School Spirit

Last year, South Atlanta printed up signs like the one pictured below for neighborhood residents to display their school pride. They were big hit and there was desire for a new printing this year!

#3 - Show Teachers Some Love

The first weeks of school can be frenzied and hectic for school administrators and teachers. Find ways to treat the staff with local coupons and gift certificates or delivering some goodies to the teacher’s lounge. It doesn’t have to be big to make an impact!

#4 - Parent and Community Prayer Groups

Our students, teachers, and schools can use our prayers. Organize a local group committed to pray for the neighborhood schools. It can be a one-time school year kick-off or a regular gathering.

#5 - Attend School Events

Does your high school have a football team? Does the elementary put on a Christmas program? Where appropriate, community members can show support simply by showing up! In South Atlanta, there’s been conversations about arriving in matching t-shirts to let students know that the community is on their side.

Too often we focus on schools only when our own children attend. But the neighborhood can play an active, important role in local schools.

What practical ways have you found to support your neighborhood schools?

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